Getting updates on news from Yahoo News is a great way to stay up-to-date on the world around you. You can see what’s happening in your area and beyond and get notifications about breaking news stories. However, there are some things you need to know to keep yourself safe while browsing the site.

Search for a specific story

If you are a fan of the Yahoo News site, you may be wondering how to find a specific story on the site. The good news is that you don’t have to wade through a sea of junk. The App boasts several unique features, such as category tabs and a bookmarks feature, to make browsing your news articles as simple as possible. Besides, the story will load in no time if you have a fast Internet connection.

A quick look at the App’s homepage will show you popular news stories from major networks. You can also browse the most recent articles by several criteria, including web, topic, date, and time. And if you are interested in news that involves your friends, you can easily share your favorite reads with a tap of the Facebook or Twitter button. Another cool feature is the ability to create your own news feed. Not only does this allow you to receive alerts when a new article is posted, but it will also notify you of any comments or replies you may have received. The App’s intelligent suggestions can suggest a few more news stories to read!

As a bonus, the App also features a nifty feature that allows you to save articles for later reading. This is particularly useful if you have an internet plan restricting the number of minutes you can spend online daily. Just click on the “Save for Later” button to save a particular article.

Notifications of breaking news

Yahoo Alerts are an excellent way to keep up with breaking news and other important information. You can set up alerts with your preferences, including whether you would like to receive emails, stock quotes, or Yahoo Weather. The notifications are sent to your email inbox, allowing you to view information quickly when needed. However, there are certain situations when you may want to disable the notifications from your Yahoo account. Using the below steps, you can easily configure and stop the messages.

Before you can start receiving news alerts, you will need to first sign in to your Yahoo account. Once you are logged in, you will see a notification icon in the upper right corner of your screen. Click this icon to see the information. You can click the X at the bottom to delete the App. You can also prevent desktop notifications from your Yahoo News subscription if you prefer.

Yahoo Mail has undergone several changes, and now you can receive news alerts through your email. This feature is available on all versions of the application. It will pop up when a new email arrives. When you are ready to check your inbox, you can go to your mail app and tap on the notification.

People using the Yahoo News App can get the latest stories from major networks. They can bookmark specific levels to read later or share them with friends. Users can also search for particular accounts and find their bookmarked stories by tapping on the profile icon.

In addition to receiving news alerts, you can receive tweets from specific users. Twitter is one of the most popular services for breaking news. Setting up a Twitter account allows you to get notifications when particular users send tweets. You can receive tweets on various topics, including sports, entertainment, and technology.

There are many ways to prevent the notification from your Yahoo News subscription. First, you can go to Settings and toggle off the option for News alerts.

AdLock rearranges space on Yahoo! Mail and News

When it comes to Yahoo! mail and news, you will find little panache or sophistication on the front page. Fortunately, there is a solution to your problem. It is AdLock. One of the benefits of using this ad blocker is that it keeps all your favorite web properties in line with one another. For example, your inbox is no longer cluttered with junk emails or spam. Aside from keeping your inbox pristine, you can also regain control of your online privacy. Likewise, you can browse the web without annoying pop-ups or nag-free page navigation.

While the App is a bit pricey, it is worth the investment. You can choose from various subscription plans, from one year to a lifetime. The company even offers free trials of its most popular products, such as AdLock.

Privacy Practices

Yahoo has been making some significant privacy changes. Those changes affect all of its services, including its mobile products, social networking sites, and online news services.

Yahoo’s new policies, also called “opt-in” or “opt-out” practices, give users much more control over their data. For example, users can opt-out of targeted ads based on their past activity. Users can set global settings for their accounts but may still share their data with third parties. They can also opt-out of updates for specific services.

Another way to manage your data is to use Yahoo’s Privacy Center. To access the center, users must log in to their accounts from the same browser on all their PCs. This is a relatively simple process, but it does require users to accept cookies. Despite this, users can still opt out of interest-based advertising through the center.

Yahoo has also made significant updates to its “Pulse” program, an opt-in service enabling users to share updates with friends. Pulse can make it easy to track your friends’ activity and see when they post new messages. But it’s important to remember that Pulse is not always the best option for privacy.

While the company has been aggressive about promoting its “Pulse” program, there are still a few drawbacks. One of the downsides is that it’s retroactive. If you don’t change your settings, your shared data will be publicly available. You also have to pay to access some of its features. And while it does not collect information about your private messages, it does read them.

In addition to the Pulse service, Yahoo has been testing its social network. It’s called “Pulse,” designed to make it easy for people to share “Updates” with each other. However, some users criticized the program, claiming it was overly intrusive and invasive. Likewise, many users believe that it encourages users to share updates that are not necessary.

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